Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 27, 2025
God Always Blesses When You Witness with Faith, Simplicity, Humility, Love and Charity
Message by the Mother of Love through Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy on January 26, 2025, During the Prayer

My dear and beloved children, with you I remained in prayer again today and, through My docile and beloved instrument, I call you to be your own prayer.
My children, I urge you to live always in God's grace, to keep the commandments God has given you and to follow the Holy Gospel of Jesus who is your and the world's hope.
Beloved children, I invite you to live My message, given here, taking it into the world, taking it to everyone you meet without worrying about where the seed of your testimony will fall, you always testify! God always blesses when you witness with faith, simplicity, humility, love and charity.
I bless you all wholeheartedly today, especially those who suffer in body and the name of God who is Father, God who is Son, God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I kiss you and hold you to My Heart. Ciao, My children.
Source: ➥